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The Aura

The word "aura" derives from the Greek-Latin language and means "hue of air" or "shine". Nowadays this word is also used as "radiation, charisma". It has been known from ancient times that man possesses an aura. On old pictures holy people have been presented with a golden shine above his head, around the heart or the whole body. This haloo indicates that the person has healing and spiritual abilities. The soul potential shows in a radiant energy field around the physical body. It is located outside the normal spectrum of vision. However, clairvoyant people can perceive it, because it is a concrete existing energy field, which can be measured and realistically presented.




The Chakras

The chakras are located in the aura. This word derives from Sanscrit and means “energy wheel”. The chakras are made of subtle energy and are non-visible energy transformers, which are located in the different auric dimensions.

They coordinate the interaction of energies, which are formed by the consciousness. This is a complex and complicated management of frequencies. The chakras have a similar function like an electric power station. They are transformers, which process all energies coming from the spiritual realm and transform them down to the lower astral bodies.

The chakras consist of pure light energies, which radiate permanently energies onto the different auric bodies. Due to the forces of the Kundalini power a chakra is permanently spinning and in action.

If the spinning flow of a chakra is blocked it shows in a blockage of the aura. The person is then suffering, sick and has many psychological problems.

Each chakra has a certain function and is constructed according to its duty.

The lower chakras, like the root- or the sexual-chakra are constructed in their function more simple and they possess less energy spokes. The higher chakras have manifold and more complicated duties to fulfil and therefore they own more spokes. The duty of a chakra is:

  • to keep control over the energy flow
  • to attract certain energy
  • to block – according to the negative energies, which are flowing into the chakra.

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